Aachen climate course

Together with the Eine Welt Forum Aachen e.V., KreaScientia developed a climate course for students aged about 14. Young people learn about their far-reaching influence, about specific projects and also about organizations, who stand up for climate protection.

By relating to the students own living environment, their personal action becomes more important and the sustainable practices enrich the theoretical school-lessons. The project is funded by the City of Aachen, EUROPE DIRECT Information Office Aachen, the campaign "Heisse Zeiten" of the One World Network North Rhine Westphalia.


Cambio Carsharing, EUROPE DIRECT Informationsbüro Aachen, Evangelischer Kirchenkreis Aachen, Fachbereich Umwelt der Stadt Aachen, Geographisches Institut der RWTH Aachen, H2Works, Jugend-Aktions-Gruppe Greenpeace, Katholische Junge Gemeinde, Kindermissionswerk „Die Sternsinger“, Lebherz und Partner, MISEREOR, Solarförderverein, Verbraucherzentrale NRW, Weltladen Aachen e.V.


Thanks to the commitment of the participating organizations and the great interest of the schools, the 2nd Aachen Climate Course will take place in two days instead of only one.

On May 19th and 20th 2011, around 240 participants of the Hauptschule Aretz Street, the David Hansemann-Realschule and Couven-Gymnasium will participate.