Urban pedagogy project in Bonn-Kessenich
Bonn KessenichAs part of an OGS-AG 6 children aged 8-10 years, saw their district Bonn-Kessenich in a different light. After a general introduction to the topic, the the pupils explored their district.

The children learned to distinguish building types of buildings, architectural periods, they examined different grounds and facade designs. What is so special about nice buildings? Why do you like them? Why is graffiti often ugly and sometimes just beautiful? Also the direct environment of the children was considered: How does my room at home look from above? Where would I like to live and what would I change if I were Mayors?

All these issues were explored by the children of the OGS Kunterbunt in Bonn-Kessenich. They have conducted interviews with residents of the neighborhood and discovered  a lot of "secret" locations i their neighborehood. All impressions were incorporated into small models, in which their ideas of a dream house were realized.